Thursday, December 17, 2009

Video Game Vice

As I sit in a high school classroom with young men and women around me I wonder which of these ones will be fulfilled in life in the years to come? Which of these teens will follow on the straight and narrow not being distracted or deceived to take a short cut, but boldly running their course?

I engage in a deeper conversation with one of the young men. Over the past few months, there is no denying a deep change in him. He's more engaged, more social, confident, excelling in school even playing on the basketball and volleyball teams for the first year. As I listen to him share, I ask him when the defining moment came for him.

He thinks for a moment and then repsonds, "Carrie, last year all I did and wanted to do was play video games, trying to accomplish conquering certain levels. My parents would tell me I was wasting my time, etc but I didn't listen to them. Then one day my dad had been laying hardwood floor in the upstairs of our home. I remember when he was done he looked at me and said, 'See son, I've laid a whole floor while you have been playing video games. What do you have to show for all that time?'"
"I blew him off at first, but those words really sunk in. He was right. I was convicted. From then on I opted to try and play less games and do other things as I had nothing to show for all my time spent this past year playing games."

Oh to see the smile flood my face. I enthusiastically reply "See YOU first of all listened to your Dad. Secondly, reflected on what he said. Thirdly agreed even unspokenly and changed your routine. And lastly, ACTED on what you decided to do; filling that time with better things like friends, being engaged in school more and despite not going out for sports your first year, you still chose to try out this year and making both teams."

Honestly, this young man has grown in every area of life and now seeks to know more of God and try to live a pure life as a result. He isn't just on the straight and narrow, he's running boldly on it.

He sees his brother now falling into the same trap of video games and the concern that fills his face blesses me to witness. It's so genuine.

This young man has chosen to find the door of freedom and resist the temptation of even video games.

1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

The enemy simply wants to get us off track. For when we are on track to a fulfilled life there is joy. He hates JOY. Remember that. Look for the door of hope that leads to priceless joy.

Simple choices, especially as a teen, pave the way of life's journey. Be wise about yours. This is YOUR life. Live it without regrets.

1 Corinthians 9:24 (A fave of mine)

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