Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Why is it we so love to focus on others’ mistakes or their falling into temptation, rather than our own?

Is it easier? Does it make us feel better? Does it help to justify our own mistakes or make them seem of less significance? Does it distract us or elevate us thinking we are in a place of power to judge others? REALLY… think about it. For we do it all the time.

Most recently, it’s been Tiger Woods. The amount of money, time, media resources, meaningless gossip, that have gone into showcasing this personal failure of his, leave me feeling embarrassed actually.

God reminds us to be very careful when we think we are in a high place, for our pride will be the kicker to a serious downfall. (Isaiah 26:5 He humbles those who dwell on high. Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. ) Hollywood, Sports Champions, the Rich and Famous are not excluded from this principle, actually truth is, they are even more vulnerable. The real difference is their lives are open books, and many eyes are glued upon them. It is in times like these how they would love to crawl in a hole and hide.

Matthew 7:3"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? When I think of Tiger, honestly, my heart looks at my own sin.

The Lord knows I have enough of it, and though I’ve never fooled around on my husband, all sin is sin. Only one is the Judge. God. (Psalm 50:6) Who are you and I to stand in that place?!

So I pray that in this time of brokenness and humility with the Woods, they would seek to ask God for forgiveness. That He would in turn help them in their marriage and with their family. God LOVES to restore when we turn to Him! Imagine a Tiger Woods taking pride in a God who grants second chances and when cameras are in awe of his once broken, “now turned loving” marriage, he would be quick to give God the glory.

So as I think on these things, here’s my heart: “I want to live my life to please the ultimate Judge for one day we will ALL bow before Him. ALL of us. Can you imagine?! Then what will our excuses be as our lives testify about us?”

I am so far from perfect, it’s embarrassing… BUT… I chose to walk humbly with our God and to LOVE His mercy. (Micah 6:8) For it’s then, that He keeps my game well below par. I’m playing to win… but not the way the world wins!

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