Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Dad Outruns Them All

I have had the joy of witnessing some of our very own young people travel across the world on Mission projects. These young people are truly amazing! And yet I’m left here in Kelowna with their parents who love them so dearly. As I sit across from one of them yesterday she gives us a brief update. Though she’s incredibly strong, her voice quivers and her eyes fill up as her daughter is such a remote area they can’t talk to her for 3 weeks.

I see another incredible leader of thousands, light up in a new way when asked about his daughter’s return from Africa after 6 months. Being with these leading parents, and knowing their children well, I deeply ponder how their hearts ache to be able to share more intimately, readily and in person but cannot.

My thoughts then go beyond as God shows me how much deeper is the heartache and pain he feels when His kids are away or apart from Him. His heart too pains, all the more for daily conversations and time. To “do LIFE” with us is what He desires, hence He calls Himself Emmanuel which means “God WITH us.”

He speaks to me of what this looks like in Luke 15:20. The Prodigal child, though away for some time the return shows the heart of the Father. He keeps an eye on the road constantly. He is not ashamed to run to us, to extravagantly embrace us!! “But while you were still a long way off, your father sees you and is filled with compassion for you and he ran to you, threw his arms around you and kissed you.”

Brea and I recently talked of this. For when she was little walking home from school, I would plan to meet her part way, business suit and all. We had this “thing”, where as soon as we saw each other we would run from wherever we were as fast as we could, to meet each other with a huge hug! There is no way you can do that without a smile breaking out across your face!!! It was crazy! In heels and in snow, trench coats flying, school bags bobbing, but I’ll tell you, neither one of will ever forget this. People would watch us, classmates and other parents, though some would make fun (jealous), many couldn’t help but smile too. Everyone thought we were ridiculous, but NO ONE doubted our love.

We did this for years and even to this day, if we are meeting each other walking and I run, she too will join in, despite being my 14 year old cool cucumber.

Don’t let a day pass without spending time talking to your Father, listening to Him. Let Him lavish you with His love as extravagant as it may seem, and don’t let a feeling of unworthiness come between you and Him. Just tell him sincerely you’re sorry. He knows your heart. More than anything when you realize how much He loves you and misses you, try running to Him too… see if a smile doesn’t break across your face.

No ONE will stop me running for Daddy! I want the world to know, heels and all, I am not ashamed. (Luke 9:26)

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