Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Brea's EGGSortation

I have come to guard my pick up times from Brea's sports' practises as it is just her and I in the confinement of our car. It is a safe place to which is consistent for her, especially in our new blended family and how the conversation doth flow! It allows each of us to share intimately.

Topics are rarely the same, and those that know us well will laugh in agreement on that one. Yesterday she came up with an object lesson for me.

You see, she never liked eggs, until we got married. My husband makes amazing breakfasts resulting in a change of mind that allows Brea's palate deep joy in eggs of all styles. Every morning they rotate who choses what they want for breakfast and he is faithful and joyful in being Chef Boyardi! This has become one of many foundational pieces to the stability of our new family.

Brea's object lesson: "Mom I was thinking during breakfast this morning, that I REALLY like the yolks.. they are my favorite. And you like the egg white. So it's like WE are an egg. I'm the yoke, you're the egg white that surrounds me, and God is like the shell. The hard protector that keeps our relationship in tact. He keeps us close. As one, even though separate."

I was thankful on many levels. 1. That her mind was thinking of God,, and 4. She was being creative in her thoughts, while showcasing truth in a way that was personal and real.

For some, you may think God is way beyond eggs, and yes He is. BUT He does indeed still care for them. Crazy eh? He makes note of it as rule for the Israelites in the importance of a mom and her egg and that they couldn't take the mother, the young or the egg! Amazing, the heart of God!

Deuteronomy 22:6If you come across a bird's nest beside the road, either in a tree or on the ground, and the mother is sitting on the young or on the eggs, do not take the mother with the young.Deuteronomy

I delight in a God that moves mountains, splits the earth, blows icy blasts that bring people to a stand still, all while keeping an eye on Mother Goose and baby goslings.

And you think God doesn't know what He's doing?! I can see Him now.. laughing with joy as our family marvels at the many different ways to cook this invention of the egg He's blessed us with.

1 comment:

  1. I'm lovin' your blogs Carrie! This one especially, because I used to quite enjoy eggs...growing up we usually had cereal breakfasts, compared to the bacon and eggs, so it was quite a treat when we did...that was, until I moved in with my Grandma...Gramma believed a full breakfast was mandatory before school and EVERYDAY for 4 years, she made eggs for breakfast...I don't think I've ate another egg since moving out 11 years ago...

    Miss you and Brea...would love to catch up and hear about all these amazing changes in your lives! Give Brea my love and I'm so excited that you pick her up from functions...I once heard, that is such an important thing a parent to do, is pick up their child when coming back from a school trip, psorting event etc....that is when they are most excited and wanting to tell about all the experiences and fun they had...but, after they tell the story 3 times, the thrill has worm off, and us parents don't want to be the 3rd or more person that they tell...I've always remembered that, and love to meet James at the bus...p.s. he comes home tomorrow for Christmas!!! yay!! :)

    Take Care, I'll stop babbling now!;) Love you both!

    --amy (dawson creek)
