Friday, January 29, 2010

Conversing Communication

We hear the word “communication” all the time. Companies, parents, relationships... seem so often to talk about the importance of communication.
So how about prayer? Why does that seem so tedious or burdensome? Why does it seem of least priority to us so often? With any relationship, communication is essential to grow and develop. Prayer is simply that, COMMUNICATION with God.
I talk constantly with God. I find it a joy to speak with Him. I find certain settings to be more inviting of intimate conversations than others. Do you think my conversation with my husband in the middle of the mall or a romantic candlelight dinner at a quiet quaint restaurant? I often out of nowhere will think of something about God and just marvel at Him, which creates a desire to just simply utter a whispered “I love you.” Similar as I do at random times to my husband. Why do we treat a relationship with God so differently?
Our relationship grows as we seek to give our voice to one who desires a relationship with us.
I find this verse interesting in that Jesus, despite being JESUS himself, he too chose a CERTAIN (1) place at times to pray at.
Luke 11:1One day Jesus was praying in a certain (1) place. When he finished (2), one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach (3) us to pray, just as John taught his disciples."
The second interesting part that I see in this verse is that the disciples often witnessed Jesus removing himself to pray to quiet, certain places, but they didn’t interrupt Him. For it says, WHEN HE FINISHED. Isn’t that interesting? They would see and know how important this time was guarded and how intimate it was in His conversation to His Father.
The third point is that his own disciples longed to be TAUGHT after witnessing His conversations with the Father, that they too wanted to learn this. “TEACH us Lord” they asked.
Is our desire intense enough that we too would say, “Lord TEACH me how to talk with you”?
Do you know Jesus actually cried a lot, and loudly too? There is a beautiful verse in Hebrews that I’ve held closely as I ponder the intimate conversations that Jesus had with His Father.
Hebrews 5:7During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.
I LOVE this picture of our Lord talking with His Father. I aspire to be like Him in EVERY way, especially in deepest intimate conversations with my Father.

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