Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Reliquinshed Mind for His Refreshing Spirit

I had to pick up some supplies for a Youth Gathering last night at Walmart and grabbed the little basket rather than the cart, less hassle, or so I seem to think everytime until it is overflowing and things are dropping everywhere.

By the time, I was finished, the basket probably weighed 30 pounds. And my arms were completely loaded. Of course the lines at Walmart are anything but small and so by the end my circulation is now being cut off in my arm and I can barely stand it but I continue and then I have to carry it all to the car, which is far from close to the door!!

As I'm walking I'm thinking I can barely make it, heels and business suit and then I think about the power of the mind. For if someone had of given me a 30 pound weight and told me to carry it around on my arm for the past 20 minutes, I probably would've given up and changed my mind to use the cart. But instead this weight disguised as a task of necessities seems to be easier to complete. It's really amazing how powerful the mind can paint a 30 pound dumbbell creative enough that I would carry it around.

Thank goodness God doesn't look at me like a weight in which He must carry around. That He doesn't give up on me even when I can be slow, heavy, spilling everywhere, and just a pain in the butt. He doesn't change HIS MIND part way through my slow learning processes. Numbers 23:19God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?

When we walk with God daily He invades our lives and teaches us constantly. The quicker we listen, learn and obey, the more He teaches us.

Yesterday I was convicted by own blog to drop off a hot lunch for Brea at school as a surprise. It has been a while since I've done this. I left it at the office with a text to her and a note on it, simply telling her I loved her. She checks her phone often at lunchtime to text me about basketball practises etc but for some reason I didn't get a return text? Very strange. But gave it to God, completely trusting Him and asking that someone didn't steal the burger and fries that I left there.

Still not hearing from her by the evening but knowing she was playing basketball I thought it strange she didn't give us a time to pick her up via text. Wed nights I get into the zone of leading and teaching our Sr. Highs here at the church so she knows if she doesn't get me before she has to wait until the end to be picked up, which she is fine with. Nonetheless I prayed that God would help us logistically with the pick up and that she was okay?

I then, literally 30 min later get a call from another parent who's picking up her son and offered to bring Brea to the church with her!! BOTH Brea and I were so overjoyed for what I found out after she arrived was how she was texting me at lunch to thank me SO MUCH for the lunch when the teacher took away her phone and she couldn't get it back until today. So there was no way she could communicate with me as she didn't even have my new blackberry number memorized. But she too KNOWS after hundreds of lessons, the power of our Daddy. And so she too was asking Him for a way to me. :)

She later that night so excited about the lunch blessing I surprised her with told me she thought it was a direct blessing as she had passed the love on to her new sister that morning. (As God continues to blend our family I am absolutely left in awe how much our 3 kids LOVE each other. They have truly become as best friends. This is a deep prayer of both Roger and mine to Him.)

Alyssa got a new Swipes Binder for Christmas and hadn't used it yet. Brea took it and wrote a note on the front page to say, "I love you Alyssa." wow.... she's never said that, let alone write it. Then to tell ME! Alyssa came home that day and intimately shared with Brea how much it meant to her and truly made her day.

So Brea believed in love that as she was refreshing someone else God was using me to refresh her. :) Proverbs 11:25A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.

It's amazing what walking in the Spirit will do to refresh and inspire those around us. We simply need to listen.

I have felt some opposition, some vulnerability, some tiredness in the past few days that have left me at moments feeling sad. But as I lift my face to my Lord He pours His love upon me like living water and I drink of it and He refreshes me.

If we go to the source, we will not be disappointed. I am reminded of this the past two days and take comfort from Paul's words,
" As a Servant of God, I commend myself to this in every way, in GREAT ENDURANCE, in hardships and distresses, in hard work, in sleepless nights, in patience, in kindness and in sincere love, through glory and dishonor, through good report and bad report, ....sorrowful yet always rejoicing, poor yet making many rich, having nothing and yet possessing everything. " (2 Cor 6:4-10)

Once again His words remind me that I'm serving our GREAT GOD, and I shall not lose heart. For my treasure, my reward and my welcome from Him, awaits me in heaven.

For Him,


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