I am convicted as I read Colossians 2:7, "overflow with thankfulness."
"Thankful", not only by words, but by my actions...
For when I step out of our society and still my heart in conversation with God, I feel as if I've stepped out of "a society that is hard wired with 'entitlement' as one of our dominant genes". I am so completely humbled in this conversation and so deeply convicted that I feel the desire to share it openly.
God teaches my heart once again.
"Carrie, TRUE humility before me, overflows with thankfulness from the heart. For with this humility one realizes that really they have nothing before me and therefore the by product is 'thankfulness'."
I am taken back somewhat and yet the question arises, "What do you deserve Carrie?"
"... Oh boy..." (deep sigh).
"Lord I DESERVE death." (I instantly am reminded of "For the wages of sin is death". Romans 6:23)
So if death is all I deserve everything else is an absolute gift. Then I think of how John the Baptist, truly got this. Not only did he live such a humble, but bold life, he didn't let things of this world hold him back but rather professed that "one can receive only what is given him from above." (John 3:27) He got it. He held everything loosely focusing on a kingdom that will last forever and as a result God used Him to build it forcefully. (Matt 11:12)
Oh Lord, what am I holding too tightly? For when I don't hold it tightly, I don't yell like a selfish child, "Mine!" Rather, I become thankful knowing it was a gift first given to me from above.
Are we thankful for our cars, or do we complain that it's old? Are we thankful for the choice of clothing we have, or do we complain that we don't have anything to wear!? Are we thankful that we have employment whether it's a dream job or not, especially in hard economic times? Are we thankful for our free education, or that the sun exists every day faithfully whether we see it behind clouds or not? Are we thankful for the mecca of food stores, and countless selections around us, or are we frustrated that the lettuce look a little wilted or a package damaged? Are we thankful for hands that can type, and a cell phone that rings, a taste bud that savours, a voice that communicates freely, a pillow to lay our head on... are we thankful? If so ... WHO are we thankful to??? Shall we not turn our heads upwards? Shall we not thank Him now.. and readily.. not once a day... but whenever we're thankful!? Do you think God would ever tire of our sincere thankfulness? I know when our children or my husband is genuinely thankful I want to so continue to bless them. Why would it be any different to God? Now I'm reminded to even thank Him for this loving family God has given me.
We live like Kings and Queens in Canada. Really. If we turn our gaze out and up we will begin to quit focusing so selfishly on ourselves and learn to give more freely realizing all we have is "on loan."
I am amazed that even when Jesus broke bread and fed the 5000 people, or when He intimately broke it at the Last Supper it is recorded that He "Gave Thanks" as He did it. Wow...
God in human form, realizing the incomparable worth of the gift God would give us in His death that would ultimately give us Life. It's ours, freely. One day we shall all know the truth to the PRICE tag associated with this gift... then our reaction will be bended knees and open confession of such.
"Today, I chose my Lord, to thank you for everything you've given me, but most blessed is the presence of your Son in my heart. For my soul longeth for that greatest treasure found only in you. When my moral flesh becomes immoral I can just imagine how I will dance, sing, laugh and love as I never have. Help me to express this now. That I would make you smile over and over, knowing no one gets me quite excited as you do!! BIG BIG :)
NO one shall take your glory! This I declare. You are God and God alone. But I know... you said it already! I'm just repeating you!!! ;)
Isaiah 42:8 "I am the Lord; that is my name I will not give my glory to another or praise to idols."
To Him be all glory, honor, praise, power, and especially our thanks, both NOW and forevermore.
A humbled but thankful work in progress,